Review: NOPE (2022)
“This dream you're chasing, where you end up at the top of the mountain, all eyes on you... it's the dream you never wake up from” - Antlers Holst
A tale as old as time: a story is forgotten. An ageing Hollywood horse-trainer is hit in the head by some cosmic shrapnel and a piece of film history dies with him. A set-disaster kills several people and the survivor sells the remains as a tour to voyeurs. Once, a black jockey rode a horse in the first film ever made, but Peele only shows a recreation of it; one can avoid responsibility of misrepresenting history if history can only be half-remembered. Peele is as guilty as his monsters- of chewing up the world and spitting it back out in refracted light. Only celluloid came close to capturing the truth behind those bursts of light and celluloid is dead, devoured by digital. And that’s the great big snake eating it’s own tail in the sky.
“A screaming comes across the sky”- Thomas Pynchon