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flying fish ripple b’neath my spine

journey me moonwards

in  to the sweet exosphere

sticktongues me

ninthcloud icing sugar heavy

i am reverberating       w’ everything

you say      what if

we meld to one

we try my back stacked against stomach

powdered lubricated      you say

it’s working

i’ve been drafting i’ m’ head

artiststudio / madmancave / traceysbed

∞ monkeys w’ ∞ typewriters

a dry tongue strikes

every                 vertebra

the mirror to


neck—reveals a burn

perfectly vertical

blisters tips t’ th’ touch

that night have t’ sleep

facing      flatchest     down

like when you make me

yell slobb’ring      wetting the sheets

pillowswallowed hOwls

you keep on

pounding          panting

oblivious t’ th’ charred spine

warped i’ front o’ you

oblivious t’ th’ fish

carrying me     on

plunging th’ salt’s skin

from behind

hear you


“BONE” was originally published by Egg Box, appearing in ‘UEA MA Literary Translation & Poetry Anthology 2024’. The university anthology is print available for purchase - https://www.eggboxpublishing.com/product-page/uea-ma-literary-translation-poetry-anthology-2024